What is the ultrasonic cutting and why is it better than competing types?

מה זה חיתוך אולטראסוני ולמה הוא עדיף על הסוגים המתחרים?
The world of fashion and textile does not stop renewing and developing. The textile branch is dynamic and provides us with innovative and sophisticated fabric types every day and of course we have not been able to experiment with all ... ultrasonic cutting is a cutting of ultrasonic that closes the edges of the fabric and prevented the fabric. The ultrasonic cutting technology allows us to produce a spectacular product, at a perfect finish level. Through the amazing ability of ultrasonic cutting, it can be subtle and accurate cuts and reach high achievements. The ultrasonic cutting technology is a great advantage over the competitors in the "War of" the edges of the fabrics and the prevention of Prima after cutting. Unlike the cutting types of competitors, who cut the canvas using heat in which they burn the ends or using the cold - and cause alone to be difficult and unpleasant to contact or violate the edges, the ultrasonic cutting keeps the edges of the cloth soft and pleasant. When a cloth is not heated in heat, side folds are performed in order to prevent the fabric to be violated. Mid fold creates double label and gives alone more rich look.